1. Save Time With This 3-Month Social Media Content Calendar (Free Download)
2. The Quick & Dirty Way to Boost Facebook Likes
3. How to Share your Music Page with a Like Button
4. 10 Easy Social Media Contests to Make Your Fans Engage
5. 3 Powerful Features to Use on your Facebook Bandpage
6. How to Stop Losing Visibility on Facebook
7. Are you Cool? How to be Popular on Facebook
8. 7 Mistakes that will Kill Your Facebook Efforts
I encourage you to take a look at the insights on your Facebook page posts too so that you can see what kind of posts your fans relate most with. This exercise has really shed some light on the types of topics I should discuss on my Facebook page in the future and even what I should stay away from.
Here’s the first post…
I call it ‘The Bike Post.’ It didn’t have anything to do with music. At. All. People loved it, commented on it, clicked it, liked it, commented on the shares and on and on. I think the post got a lot of love because it’s a bit transparent and shows another side of me other than music. I see that many of my non-music posts get great feedback. I also took advantage of a theme day hashtag, #FunFriday. That hashtag may have been trending for the day which may have contributed to the high engagement.
#2 – #WednesdayWisdom
With a total reach of 589 people and almost 40 total engagements, this #WednesdayWisdom post has made the list. I started #WednesdayWisdom posts later in the year on just a fluke. I had one piece of wisdom to share and it got so much feedback that I decided to start sharing more every week. People are really interested in lessons I’ve learned along the way in music as well as life.
#3 – Monday Confessions
This is not a series, it was also just a fluke. It didn’t get a whole lot of engagements, but according to Facebook it seemed to reach almost 1k people. It is quite colorful. I based my post off of a question I got asked from a guy listening to me at a live show. He asked me how do I remember all the lyrics to the songs. Ironically, that particular show my memory wasn’t so great. Confessions is a buzz word though. It generates an element of suspense. When you see the word confessions, you want to know what the person is going to confess.
#4 & #5 – A Day in the Life
Both of these posts are kind of similar in that they both demonstrate my attitude and approach as an indie musician. I’m sharing the lessons I’ve learned and how those lessons have helped me along the way. I’m also being transparent in saying that my success depends largely on my supporters. I’m also noticing that each of these posts include pictures. In fact, every last one of my high engaging posts included a picture of some sort. Most of the pictures were pictures of myself.
#6 – The Feet
This was a shocker for me. I wasn’t expecting this post to get as much feedback as it did. I was just bored and looking for something to do and noticed something off about my outfit choice for the day…
I was really embarrassed by it actually and I remember reading an article that said to own yourself, mistakes and all. So that’s the theme I went with when I noticed the color of my shoes clashing violently with my pants! Honestly, when I put them on that day the shoes and the pants looked to be the same color. However, in retrospect, I must have been dressing in the dark. It’s clearly not a match. There’s one person who didn’t seem to like the foot post. They apparently told Facebook to hide all posts. It happens. You can’t win them all.
#7 – The Cross-Promoting Post
This post is significant because it was a cross promotion post. I wrote about a shirt I received from an organization I had befriended. They gifted me this shirt so I posted this as a thank you.
I tagged and posted information on how to contact them and they shared the post. Typically, when I tag other organizations or pages they tend to share my posts. They like the advertisement so they want to share it, but they’re also advertising me to their networks when the share my posts, so it’s a win-win situation.
#8 – From the Beginning
For some reason, a lot of my posts about how I got started in music tend to get great feedback. The only reasoning I could come up with is that this is a question people often wonder about. As an independent artist, inquiring minds want to know how you got into music. It’s one of the first questions you get asked in interviews and if you open up for Q & A during your set (which I highly recommend doing if it is an intimate audience).
This photo is very special because it was from my very first professional photo shoot. I have a lot of fans in Charlotte, so I’m sure they were happy to see me giving Charlotte a shout out. I’m definitely going to post more stories about how I got into music.
#9 – Let’s Write a Story
This is one of my favorite things to do on my Facebook page. It’s so much fun.
It really depends on the time of day you send this post out. I haven’t figured out a sweet spot yet, but sometimes it works amazingly and other times it just falls flat. If you have an extra $5 laying around, this might be a good post to boost if you don’t see enough engagement. Reason being is that it looks better when people are commenting. If you boost it to more people and they comment, like, and share you can use this as a launching pad to build momentum for your page engagement rankings.
#10 – The Suspenseful Post with a link to my Blog
This type of post gets them every time. I’ll write a teaser about something that happened to me, then I’ll share a link to the story over on my blog. It compels them to click on the post. This post was about a show being cancelled.
What’s really cool about this post is not only that it got a lot of likes and comments, but it also got me another show because a venue owner that is connected to my page saw it and I was able to secure a date with his venue. Additionally, I was able to use the experience as a launching pad to generate interest in house concerts. I got a few people interested and they are seriously considering hosting a house concert for next year.
A lot of posts did not get good feedback such as posts asking people to sign up to my mailing list. Also, posts that shared a link to a new song I’m working on. Although, if I post a native video, the video post will get more engagement. Posts that were shorter, less wordy with no picture also did not get a lot of feedback.
So here’s what I did notice:
• Posts with pictures get the most engagement.
• Posts that offer a sense of suspense are very successful.
• Posts with hashtags seem to be served up more in news feeds.
• Posts about my life as an indie or how I got started in music seem to get a lot of likes and shares
• Posts tagging another page or organization will help boost reach and also provide exposure with someone else’s audience
Have you taken an inventory of your Facebook posts over the past year? What patterns did you notice? Which of your posts get the most engagement?