In the world of investing, brokers recommend diversifying your portfolio. They advise not to put all your stock in one source so that if that one source fails, you still have other sources making you money. The same idea holds true with your music career as an independent artist. It’s a good idea to diversify […]
Category: General Business
5 Easy Side Hustle Ideas for Musicians
Let’s face it, as an independent artist, achieving sufficient, steady and reliable income is a challenge. Music is seasonal, gigs are sporadic, and there’s minimal stability. Even as a full-time musician, there are still periods of low cash flow because performance opportunities tend to ebb and flow. According to ASU Alumni Association, it was estimated back […]
8 Ways to Sell more Merchandise at Shows and Double Your Income
As an independent artist, you make your money through several different avenues. One of these avenues has a very high potential to almost double your earnings at live shows. It is why artists make the most money touring. They are making their money from ticket and merchandise sales. Venues like to take a cut from […]
A Lesson on Goal Setting
Goal setting is the bedrock of success. Goals shape, motivate, inspire and provide accountability in anything they are applied to. Goal setting is writing down a quantifiable set of desires that are attainable and measurable. Goals allow you to better manage your time. Time is a valuable resource. Knowing your goals will help you decide […]
5 Must Do Rules to Being an Independent Artist
Being an independent artist takes a lot of grit. You have to push through the rejection and the negativity and show up to work. Whether it’s your shows or business meetings, or passing out flyers on the street, you have to show up every time in spite of how you feel. I didn’t realize what […]
Being an Independent Artist: When to Quit Your Day Job
I started off doing music as a hobby. One day I woke up with an urge and by the end of that day I was clunking around on a brand new guitar. That was the best $300 I ever spent. At the time, I was working a full-time job, but every single evening I would […]
5 Reasons You Don’t Have as Many Fans as You Want
Having a fan base is the most crucial element of the independent artist’s career. Without fans, you don’t have a career, you just have a very expensive hobby. If there was a course for “fan-getting,” this would be one of the first statements the professor would make. As an independent artist you live by the […]
Music Quality vs Music Success: Why one has little to do with the other
To be successful as an independent artist, you have to wear many hats. Our DIY culture has created mavericks out of us all – each one of us relentlessly carving out our own self-taught path. Among all the hats we wear, two of them are the most important and one of them is best of […]