If you’ve been following me, 2017 was all about growth hacking and strategies to maximize relationships with fans on this blog. We talked about public relations tactics, superfans, dealing with adversity, and ways to earn more money at gigs. But there are a few articles that really got your attention this year. Here are the TheCraftyMusician’s TOP 10 articles from 2017…
Interview with Audra Mclaughlin Top 6 Finalist on NBC’s The Voice
Have you ever auditioned for or considered auditioning for a TV singing competition? I was lucky enough to connect with someone who did and she went far enough to get placed in episodes and become a finalist! This article features Audra Mclaughlin, a Top 6 Finalist from Season 6 of ‘The Voice’. She’s sharing some awesome tips about auditioning, behind the scenes ‘tea’ during filming, as well as what she’s doing now. Take a look as she takes us behind the scenes through her exciting journey.
The Crafty Musician Presents: A Valentine’s Day MixTape
Earlier in February, I wanted to put a promotion idea into action by hosting a MixTape Campaign. I wanted to demonstrate how easy it is to work with other musicians on a co-promoting project that everyone can benefit from. Read about how I did it and listen to the artists who ended up on the Valentine’s Day Mixtape!
Is Your Music Suffering from These PR Mistakes
I sat down with Dawn Jones of PRESSED PR, a boutique pr agency specializing in PR support for indie artists. She shared a lot of tips and advice for us about generating buzz and getting more exposure and I wanted to share them with you. She even listed some of the common mistakes we all make. Check it out now…
How to Identify your Ideal Music Fan
Because sometimes you just don’t know where to start. Music promotion can be a daunting task because there are so many options and too many ways to do it. So how do you identify which avenue is right for you? Start with identifying who your ideal fans are and let this worksheet guide you to discovering affordable and unique ways to reach your ideal fans.
My Tiny House Journey as a Singer Songwriter
I built a tiny house together with my husband because we saw the need to simplify our lives. Now we have the flexibility to travel whenever we want and to accommodate the ebbs and flow of an artist’s salary. Living in a Tiny House has been very rewarding in many ways. People ask us all the time is it different and what sacrifices are we having to make. To be honest, it’s not that much different from living in a big house. It’s all about your mindset and your priorities. Here’s what we did and how we did it…
This Person Gave Me Unsolicited Advice about Getting A ‘Real Job’ Here Was My Response
I can’t say I was shocked to get an e-mail from this poor lady. Afterall, society has a certain way of doing things. And if you’re not falling in line, well something must be wrong with you. NOT!!! I put this lady’s audacity on full display and I also shared my response. What would you say to someone trying to tell you how to live your life and what jobs to take?
A Simple Trick to Stay Motivated in Your Music Career
Being an independent artist is hard work. You have to develop a really thick skin in order to receive the beat downs you get on a daily basis. You get rejection after rejection and when you finally achieve one goal, there’s always the next goal to master. How do you stay motivated in a career like that? Here’s how I do it…
11 Things You Should Do to Promote Your Show
What can you do to fill seats at your shows? If you want to play to a crowd, there are many things you can do to be proactive and get people to come out to your show. You should be doing things both online and offline to promote your upcoming show. It’s not enough to just book the show and send a poster. If you’re looking for more ways to market your shows, here’s a list of 11…
10 Things Venues Won’t Tell You About Your Booking Pitch
I had the opportunity to serve as a booking person for a venue and boy did I learn a lot about booking. I came across some common things we do as artists that actually hurt our chances of getting the gig. I also came across some things you can do to help your chances. So I wrote about my experience and in all my years of actively booking for myself and others, I still wasn’t aware of some of these mistakes I’ve been making because the venues would never say anything helpful. Well, the mystery is solved. Here are 10 things venues won’t ever tell you about your booking pitch.
How to Write a Press Release
This is a comprehensive guide about corresponding with the media, writing a press release and ways you can increase your chances at getting your story picked up. Get a pen and paper ready and take notes. It also includes a press release template and an e-mail script you can use to contact people in the media. Feel free to use this guide to get more media coverage for your music.
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