01/25/2018 – I believe that the most successful are those who strive to be the greatest students. Armed with education and knowledge, you can do many powerful things. That’s why I make effort to spend about an hour or so per week to watch (or listen to) something meaningful, helpful, uplifting, or enlightening for my professional career. I’m constantly on the lookout for resources that can help me to advance in my music. In my search to find these resources I came across a few gems that other musicians and artists would get a lot out of. Here they are!
The following webinars offer a great deal of valuable content and inspiration. Most of all, they’re free!
Make Money With House Concerts
Find out how Shannon Curtis earned $25,000 in revenue and grew her email list by 500 in just 2 months with house concerts. In this webinar she shares a step-by-step process of making money with house concerts and building a loyal fanbase. View the webinar here.
Negotiating Tactics to Get the Pay You Deserve
Ever wonder if you should get more money than contracted for a gig? Ever wonder how to get more money in the future? I know it can be super awkward trying to figure out how to ask for more money for your performances. You don’t want to come off looking selfish. On the other hand, you also want to get what you feel you deserve. There’s also the issue of feeling like you might cause tensions in the relationship if you ask for more money. These are all very natural feelings. This webinar will help you wade through these emotions and come up with some tactics to negotiate better deals, so that you get the recognition you deserve. View the webinar here.
How to CrowdFund with the Experts
IndieGoGo hosts this super informative webinar about communicating your project in a way that gets people excited about being a part of it. They give practical tips about how to set up your crowdfunding page and how to keep people engaged in your project. If you’re planning on crowdfunding anytime soon, this is something you need to watch. View the webinar here.
YouTube for Musicians
Katherine Forbes hosts a webinar about doing music on YouTube. Lot’s of good information here about setting up a music channel and accessing advanced features. She also discusses tips on sharing your videos to keep your fans engaged on your channel longer. I’ve been on YouTube for a while now, and she taught me a lot about how to get the most out of YouTube. View the webinar here.
Music Licensing with Cathy Heller
Cathy Heller is a regular girl who figured out how to bust into the music licensing game. She shares a lot of information in this very insightful interview. It’s a very honest discussion about what you need and how to go about getting your music in TV & Film. View the webinar here.
Bonus: Pain Relief for Musicians
These are just a few great resources I found for musicians. There’s a ton more! Share in the comment section – what are your favorites?