In my article, How to Jumpstart Word of Mouth for Your Music, I talked about 4 different ways you can spark word of mouth among your fans and I also mentioned this little trick I’m about to show you. If you want to learn more about how to make word of mouth happen for your music, that article might be a great resource. But today, I wanted to expound on this 1 simple trick that I have used to get fans to share my music. I do this at live shows. Live shows are so awesome because people are in the moment, feeling the energies, having a good time, and making memories. This is your opportunity to solidify your bond with your fans. The live show is where you can encourage your fans to do something and the beauty of it all is that they will more than likely do what you asked them to do because you’re giving them a great show. I know this goes without saying, but to get this level of engagement at a show, you have to put on a massively good show. You can’t just be a guy with a guitar. You have to have gumption (stage presence).
If you want something, just ask.
Toward the end of my set I ask the audience if they’ve had a great time. I’ve never had someone answer no, thank God! But, once they say yes, then I’d ask them if they would come back next time. They say yes. Then, I’d ask them if they would bring a friend next time. They always say yes. This is the classic Yes, Yes, Yes response technique. I’m sure there’s a more technical term for this sales technique, but the point is – it works! Get them saying yes a few times, and the next question you ask will most likely also return a yes. Then you can use that to pitch your little trick to get them to share your music. You have to do a little planning ahead on this one for it to work, but trust me it is well worth it.
I printed these cards out at home on some business card paper. Eventually, I’d like to have these printed up professionally on really thick premium paper stock. You can get them done at a pretty reasonable price at VistaPrint. These are sharing gift cards that include a short message about me and a link to download a bunch of free songs. I include songs that I already give away for free on my website or soundcloud, but packaged as a gift makes it look a lot cooler especially if it’s given by a trusted friend. What I like to do is have one on hand with me while I’m on stage and when I refer to it, I can raise it up so they can see it as an example.
So after they’ve agreed to bring a friend with them the next time, I show them the “gift” card and tell them I have these at my merchandise table and I want them each to take a few to give away to people they think would enjoy the show next time. I explain a little about what it is and how it would help spread the word about my music. At the end of the show as I’m thanking everyone for coming out, I remind them that I have merchandise and also that I have the gift cards for them to take.
Make certain you have enough cards because you will be amazed by how well this works. At many shows, I have had everyone from the audience come up to my table to ask for these cards. An added bonus is that you have more opportunities to talk with everyone, get them to sign up to your mailing list and to buy merchandise because they are all coming to your table.
This trick can be used even if you’re not doing live shows! You can send these cards with merchandise items mailed to fans. You can also keep a bunch of these on hand and give to people in person. I talk to a lot of people while I’m out and about and people are always intrigued that I’m a musician. Having these cards on hand gives them an opportunity to listen to my music and if they like it, they can share it with their friends too.
You can also create digital versions of this and share it with your fans digitally!
How do you get your fans to share your music?